Our Story

After discovering a passion for dog sledding or mushing after working as a guide at a dog sledding tour company in the Bow Valley, owner Sandy Campbell returned home to the foothills region of Millarville to found his own kennel focused on the racing and breeding of sprint Alaskan Huskies.

We primarily focus on the monosports of canicross, bikjoring and skijoring at Millarville Mushing, although we support all forms of dog powered sports.

Alaskan Huskies

Alaskan Huskies although not an AKC recognized breed are one of the most popular breeds of working dog in dog powered sports or mushing. They are primarily Husky, Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute, but can also contain various amount of hound, pointers, salukis and other breeds that help contribute to a healthy, fast and friendly breed of dog.

We originally started with distance lines of Millarville Mushing but have since changed over to sprint lines as we find they are better suited for life as a companion and in the warmer climate of Southern Alberta.

Our Location

Nestled in the foothills of Southern Alberta, our mushing team thrives in this beautiful, rugged landscape perfect for dog sledding adventures.

We offer access to our trail to members of the club who can actively train on our 4.5 km/ 3 mile rolling trail with their dogs year round. Subject to some seasonal closures.